After so long, I'm back. But I haven't had time to update the blog very frequently, so I'll only post in a summarized Spanish after the English post.
I spent 10 amazing days in Sydney with my friend Steven, who was a wonderful host. I also met Joao, the Portuguese from Macau, who was there by coincidence and it was great to go out with him. I also met finally Emerson in person, another Brazilian living in Sydney, who is friend of Daniel. And also Ralph, the Filipino whom I met in HK through Michael was there. And yet by coincidence I met Vinicius and Juliano, that I knew from Sao Paulo! Funny, just realized I was soooo far and yet meeting so many people, hehehe, the world became too small for me. I love Sydney! It was my second time there but this time, I fell in love with the city and their lifestyle.
See the pics:
Estuve en Sydney por 10 dias y estuvo increible. Estuve con mi amigo Steve que fue un anfitrion de los mejores, y tambien encontre a Joao, mi amigo portugues que vive en Macau (en la foto), y tambien encontre a varios otros amigos que estaban por alla por casualidad. De repente me doy cuenta de como el mundo se volvio pequeno para mi. Sydney esta tan lejos de mi pais, pero igual encontre a un monton de gente. Es la segunda vez que voy a Sydney, pero esta vez me gusto todavia mas, es una ciudad halucinante.
Miren las fotos: